Curious Objects: The Globe Stopper or Codd Bottle
The codd bottle is a rather unusual thing - that quirky neck and the glass ball sitting at the side. An old curiosity you might say.
Curious Objects: Codds Wallop – The Codd Bottle Opener
This clever item revolutionised the drinks trade by giving people the opportunity to drink fresh, well-sealed carbonated drinks.
Curious Objects: Bomb Detonator Spike and Key
Back in 2017, I acquired this unusual and interesting brass object. I did not know what is was, and spent months trawling through pages on google trying to find out. Having had no success, I put the picture on my Facebook Page and asked if any of my follwers knew. Observation First, an explanation of what the object looked like and what it did. So, as I said, when I acquired this piece, I didn’t have a clue what it was. Perhaps it was some sort of window opener or perhaps a plumbing tool? It’s real use was a big surprise. It turned out to be a bomb detonator spike…
Curious Objects: Chicken Glasses
ne of the most interesting aspects of running my curiosity shop is finding and learning about objects that I never knew existed. These are Chicken Glasses, the strange invention made to cure cannibalistic behaviour in chickens.
The Curious World: Pulgas Vestidas, the World’s Smallest Dolls
In the late 19th century, and for reasons which I am yet to fathom, Nuns in a convent in Mexico began to dress dead fleas in tiny costumes.